She likes to wear bright colors.
What color are your eyes?
Does the shirt come in any other color?
Are the photos in color or black and white?
I thin[k] the best color is light pink. (Key English Test; A2; Portuguese)
We'd like to include your story in the magazine this week for a bit of local color.
His brief contact with books gave his life a touch of intellectual color, but made it all the more unbearable when it was taken away. (Certificate of Proficiency in English; C2; Spanish)
He passed the exam with flying colors.
Thr[o]u[gh] this, he was able to get his college degree and graduated with flying colors. (International English Language Testing System; C1; Tagalog)
I don't care what color her friend is.
A group of slaves lead by Spartacus, dared to challenge the Roman empire, an empire that had conquered much of the known world, taking slaves from wherever they were or whatever their color. (Certificate of Proficiency in English; C2; Greek)
He drew a heart and colored it red
Dear Robbie, I want to color my bedroom white. (Key English Test; A2; Portuguese)
The report is colored by the fiscal crises of the last four years.